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Tinnitus treatment

There is no known cure for tinnitus, but there are several types of tinnitus management options available. Some treatments are no more than gimmicks, but the management approaches listed below have proven successful for many people who suffer from tinnitus.
Sound therapy
Sound therapy means external noises are brought in to help mask the troubling sounds of tinnitus. This could be white noise, specialized ear masking noises, low-level music or even your own customized sound. 
Many hearing aids offer forms of sound therapy. Since tinnitus and hearing loss are often linked, wearing a modern hearing aid is often an effective tinnitus treatment. 
Tinnitus management programmes

Most tinnitus management programmes aim to teach the brain to be less distracted by tinnitus sounds while learning to focus on other sounds or things important to you. With the tinnitus sounds relegated to the background, people suffering from tinnitus can focus on the more important things in life. 

Tinnitus relief at your fingertips

ReSound Relief is one of the most useful tinnitus app in the market for relieving and managing tinnitus. As part of a tinnitus management program, ReSound Relief offers a combination of sound therapy, relaxing exercises, meditation, and guidance, whenever and wherever you want.

Enjoy relief from tinnitus
The ReSound Relief app is one of the most useful hearing aid apps in the market for relieving and managing tinnitus. As part of a tinnitus management program, the ReSound Relief app offers a combination of sound therapy, relaxing exercises, meditation, and guidance, whenever you want and wherever you are.


Stress and anxiety management
Tinnitus and stress can form a vicious circle: Tinnitus may cause stress, which then makes the tinnitus worse.
Addressing stress with anti-anxiety measures like listening to soothing/calming sounds, exercise and meditation can be an effective form of tinnitus treatment.
It takes time
No tinnitus treatment works immediately – it takes time and commitment from you to get control over your tinnitus.  
You’ll need to build the skills and strategies suggested to you and incorporate them into your life. But be patient – many people do find relief from their tinnitus especially if they find a skilled hearing care professional who can help.