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Age-related hearing loss

Age-related hearing loss is often categorized as mild-to-moderate hearing loss. Having a mild hearing loss means that you will have trouble hearing and understanding soft sounds, sounds from a distance or speech against a background of noise. People with a moderate hearing loss will find it difficult to hear regular speech, even at close distances.
What is age-related hearing loss?
Age-related hearing loss can occur gradually as you grow older. It is one of the most common conditions affecting older and elderly people. Age-related hearing loss most often occurs in both ears and because the loss is gradual, you may not even realize that you have lost some of your ability to hear.
Senior couple embracing in front of home

Do you think you might have hearing loss? 

Check your hearing with our quick, easy and free online hearing test.

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Causes of age-related hearing loss
It can be difficult to distinguish age-related hearing loss from hearing loss that can occur for other reasons. There may be more than one cause that contributes to a person’s hearing loss.
Noise-induced hearing loss is caused by long-term exposure to sounds that are too loud or last too long. This can damage the sensory hair cells in your ear that allow you to hear. Once these hair cells are damaged, they do not grow back and your ability to hear is diminished.
Conditions that are more common in older people, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, can contribute to hearing loss. Medications that are toxic to the sensory cells in your ears (for example, some chemotherapy drugs) can also cause hearing loss.
Person missing out on family conversation.

Have you noticed a difference?

Having a hearing loss might become noticeable for you as you start to miss out on the conversation with your loved ones in a busy restaurant or you need to turn up the TV to be able to hear your favorite TV program properly. Safety can also be an issue with hearing loss. Imagine if you don’t hear the car right behind you when walking in a busy city or if you don’t hear the fire alarm in your house.

Hearing loss can be hard to accept | ReSound

It doesn't only affect you

Hearing loss can be frustrating for you and the people around you. People may start to see you differently than you see yourself. You may begin to withdraw, lose your self-confidence and feel isolated from others, especially in group situations. Perhaps you even experience that it is hard to manage your job satisfactorily. 

The longer you wait the harder it gets

When your brain is deprived of sound stimulation, it loses the ability to process sounds. The longer you wait the more sounds disappear and it takes more time to readapt.

You get your vision tested regularly but what about your hearing? It is recommended to get a routine screening every 10 years until the age of 50 and at least every 3 years after turning 50. A hearing test can tell you if you have a hearing loss and a hearing care professional can advise you on what you can do about it.

Hearing test